Mt.yokote 横手山

Would you like to see ​​a sea of clouds? 壹起去看雲海嗎? 一起去看云海吗?

Altitude 2,307m.YOKOTEYAMA is one of the mountains of Shiga Kogen, a part of the Joshinetsu Kogen National Park, which located on the southeastern tip of Shiga Kogen.Yokoteyama is famous as the ski resort in winter. In summer it is popular as a tourist spot where you can easily enjoy the superb view at the summit and see the beautiful sea of clouds, and you can use the lifts,or moving walkways(sky escalator),shuttle bus to moving.

標高2,307m。上信越高原国立公园的志賀高原中的一座山,位于志賀高原的南东端。冬季作为滑雪场而热闹的横手山。 夏天坐缆车或是移动道路(通天电梯)、也有送迎巴士,可以轻松攀登到山顶享受美景并能够观看云海,博得了很高的人气。

標高2,307m。上信越高原國立公園的誌賀高原中的壹座山,位於誌賀高原的南東端。冬季作為滑雪場而熱鬧的橫手山。 夏天坐纜車或是移動道路(通天電梯)、也有送迎巴士,可以輕松攀登到山頂享受美景並能夠觀看雲海,博得了很高的人氣。

Yokoteyama is famous for ski,but you can also enjoy the art view『Tree Ice』created by Nature from December to March. 『Tree Ice』which can only be seen in a limited part of the limited season in Nagano,but in here,you can enjoy it bu walk,lifts or snow vehicles.

作为滑雪场而出名的横手山,12~3月之间可以享受大自然创造的艺术作品『树冰』。即使是在长野県也只能有一部分地区在限定的季节才能看到的『树冰』, 在这里可以边走边看,也可以乘坐缆车或者是雪上车来鉴赏。

作為滑雪場而出名的橫手山,12~3月之間可以享受大自然創造的藝術作品『樹冰』。即使是在長野県也只能有壹部分地區在限定的季節才能看到的『樹冰』, 在這裏可以邊走邊看,也可以乘坐纜車或者是雪上車來鑒賞。